Biggest thing to do is keep your lite stik light !! Mine is 7 oz.
Improve the turning. Add more throw to the rudder, drill a hole or two in closer to the rudder on the control horn.
Make the investment in smaller servos, batteries and/or rx to keep the weight at 7 oz
Do not use carbon rod on the wings, stick with the wooden dowels. If you go to carbon you add weight and worse the plastic mounts become the weak link, easier to replace a wood dowel if it cracks.
Those little neat plastic parts are fragile, break easy, and
actually are heavy. I got rid of most of them with my new wing mounting. This
also allowed me to glue the wing into the center plastic mounts as the wing now slides off
of the airframe making for easy dis-assembly and transport. click
for larger view.
Long flights, watch your surplus stores for old Cell Phone Lithium Ion batteries. I use 3 of the 800mah cells. 24 - 40 minutes of flying time.
With the 3 Lithium Ion Cells, buy a GWS 8 X 4.3 prop - it pulls about 1.5amp static when freshly charged, and like I say, loops from level flight. Takes off with authority.
Other simple weight saving ideas.
Do not put on the decals, they are heavy.
Do not paint etc.
leave the rubber off of the wheels
Mount your control horns so that your controls are all above the stabilizer and leave off the tail skid.
Leave off the spinner
Lite Stick Floats Pink Foam - Click for Larger View.
14" Long, X 1.5" Wide X 1.25 Deep (at the step) each Float Pink Foam, I have not flown off of water yet, just snow. I have floated the Stik in the tub tho. I see no reason it will not ROW. In addtion to the music wire mounts I use fishing line or dental floss to stablize the tips & ends back to the wooden fuse stik
My Lite Stik Bipe
Click on Picture for larger View
Stock Drive, 3 1600 mah Lithium Ion Cells Stock 10X4.7 Prop, 2 Wings & Custom Mount 10oz RTF
Dec 22nd, maiden flight, the Dome was closed so at -5F I flew it in the parking lot instead. Flew great, now I have to build a set of floats for the biplane version. Loops from level flight, snap rolls if you got enough altitude, wings do crazy things during the roll. Should fly for 30+ minutes on the 3 Lithium-ion Cells.
The Bipe Flys and handles better than the mono wing version. It turns out it has more power with the above setup than needed, on the 3 Lithium-Ion 1600 mah cells it will fly for nearly 30 minutes at full throttle, flights of an hour are probably easy if you can take flying that long. Level Cruise requires significantly less than 50% power. Loops easily from level flight, will climb sharply (60-70 degrees). Plenty of power and control for light breezes.
Contstruction Info:
Main Stick is the same length as the original
Wings are separated by 6.5", 2.5" Below the Main Stik & 4" above the Main Stick
2.5" Stagger
Balance 3" back from the leading edge of the top wing
Wing Mounting System Picture